Update your Pluto installation

You can update Pluto using the Julia package manager. Open a Julia process and use Pkg to update Pluto:

julia> import Pkg
julia> Pkg.update("Pluto")

This should update Pluto to the latest version (check our GitHub releases to find out!).

Not the latest version?

Sometimes, it is not possible to install the latest version of Pluto because of compatibility issues with other packages that you have installed in your environment.

Some tips to fix it:

  1. First, use Pkg.status() to find out which packages you have installed, and remove any packages that you are no longer using. Now try to update again.
  2. If this did not work, try updating all packages (not just Pluto) with Pkg.update().
  3. Finally, you could use Pkg.status(outdated=true, mode=Pkg.PKGMODE_MANIFEST) to see the compatibility bounds. Here is an example.