Notebook file

Pluto notebook files are stored as .jl Julia files. This file contains:

  • Code for each cell
  • Special comments (start with #) that Pluto uses to understand which code belongs to which cell.
  • The exact version numbers of packages that were used. This is stored at the bottom of the .jl file, the Project.toml and Manifest.toml content.

When you send your .jl notebook file to someone else, they can open the notebook in Pluto and see the same results. This concept is called reproducibility, and it is something we work very hard on at Pluto!

Step 1

Open your notebook in Pluto, and wait for all cells to finish running.

Step 2

Press the Share button in the top right.

Screenshot of the Share button

Step 3

Choose โ€œNotebook fileโ€.

Screenshot of the export options


The steps above are a quick way to get the .jl file. You can also Save your notebook on your computer by giving it a file name. In that case, the steps above just give a copy of your file.

Notebooks as scripts

.jl notebook files can also be run as a script. Since the .jl file just contains your cell code, you can also run it with Julia:

> julia my_notebook.jl

The most useful application is to use include("my_notebook.jl") in the REPL or a script to get variables from your notebook outside of Pluto.