Export to HTML

This is a snapshot of your notebook with all outputs in a standalone HTML file. You can share this .html file via email, and other people can double-click the file to read your notebook.


Important: you can open an HTML export file on any computer, you do not need to have Julia or Pluto installed!

For some examples of HTML export files, check out our featured notebooks.

Step 1

Open your notebook in Pluto, and wait for all cells to finish running.

Step 2

Press the Share button in the top right.

Screenshot of the Share button

Step 3

Choose “Static HMTL”.

Screenshot of the export options


What’s really cool about HTML export files is that they are reproducible: every HTML export file from Pluto includes the .jl source code! That means that someone who reads the notebook can also run the original code and make changes!

Every HTML export contains an Edit or run button in the top right. When you press it, you see a screen where you can:

  1. Run the notebook with binder, a free service to run scientific notebooks in the cloud. This works on any browser (including mobile), without needing to install Julia or Pluto.
  2. Download the .jl notebook file that was used to generate the HTML export. You can open this file with Pluto.

Screenshot of the “Edit or run” menu with the option to download the notebook file.

.html files from Pluto can also be used as web pages on your blog. Learn more